Church Pianist Package

4 course package. DVD or download. Save $40 with this package that is specifically for church pianists who want to hone their craft. It includes Congregational Accompaniment, How To Chart a Song, Accompanying, and Playing Soft Music.

The Arrangers Package

3 course package. DVD or download. Save $40 with this package. Contains three very important courses for any musician who wants to learn arranging thoroughly: Reharmonization, Arranging, and Modulations.

Complete Set

11 course package. DVD or download. Save 30% when compared to buying individual courses! Our most popular package contains Theory for Church Pianists, Reharmonization, Arranging, Congregational Accompaniment, Play by Ear, Modulations, How to Chart a Song, Accompanying, Tranposing, Playing Lead Sheets, and Playing Soft Music.

Build Your Own Package

Your selections. DVD or download. Save up to 30% when you build your own package. Try this simple tool and it will calculate your savings instantly.