Tag Archives: reharmonization

Free arrangement and harmony lesson: He Hideth My Soul

I am going to do something a bit unusual today. I am going to give you an arrangement for free that you normally have to pay for. “He Hideth My Soul” is an arrangement that was released to my Monthly Hymn Arrangement Club members in May. Before you continue reading, you might want to download the arrangement […]

Changing V chords to V7 chords

I just uploaded a new video that discusses another little tip for improving your sound: changing V major triads into dominant 7ths. Lately, I have started doing a lot of these short videos and I will probably continue. If you have ideas for other little things you want me to cover, please let me know […]

Spicing up the I chord

Yesterday, I recorded a new video about a little tip you can use to make your music sound more sophisticated. It involves adding the major 7th to your I chords. I don’t need to discuss it here because the video will explain everything. If you don’t see it below, click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooNYkwyC790  

Technical analysis of “Come Ye Thankful People Come”

Yesterday, I posted a new free arrangement . If you have not downloaded it yet, just click on that link and you will get it instantly. There are a few things going on in this arrangement that I want to talk about really quickly. One is a harmonic idea and one is a rhythmic thing. […]