Over the past four weeks, I have been covering modulations, an starting next week, I am going to start covering chord progressions. Today, I want to take a breather and just talk about a few things that art important to me. I read something this week written by a very confident musician, and it made […]
Tag Archives: performance
Today, I want to talk about musicality. Musicality means different things to different people, but to me, musicality is the ability to rise above the technical aspects of a piece of music and communicate at a deeper level. A short time ago, I listened to a performance of a very good pianist. While she played […]
If there is one common thing I hear over and over from pastors as I
travel, it is that they want to find some way to breathe new life into
their music without throwing out the proverbial baby with the bathwater.
Should you pick a key signature for a song based on the way that key sounds? Or is that just a myth?
How to cover the fact that you do not know the music you are playing.
The number one thing a church pianist needs is …
You might be tempted to get artistic and a little crazy with your church music. Think twice.
MIssing the forest for the trees in music making.
Should you perfect and memorize your music so you can play it consistently well on stage? Or should you avoid that kind of thinking like a plague? My answer may surprise you.
A church pianist typically has no more important job than that of accompanying congregational singing. Here are some thoughts about that function.
I got some feedback last week about some music I had played at an event a
few months ago. Apparently, someone complained to the venue that I was
“outside of the box” and played music that “sounded like it belonged in
a night club.”