I am hesitant to write what I am about to write because it might sound like I think I have things figured out. I am actually quite sure I don’t have much figured out. However, I like to talk about things that are important to me and what I am going to talk about today […]
Tag Archives: motivation
I am a Protestant, but I admire the beauty of the other two major divisions in Christianity (Orthodoxy and Catholicism). If I lived in a big city near a major Orthodox or Catholic cathedral that really did things well, I would visit services just to soak in the beauty of the buildings, the atmosphere, the […]
There is not much that I can add to the national discussion of Billy Graham this past week and I am not going to try. However, as I read an article about his funeral service, I saw a name of a person that has influenced me a lot. The pianist for the service was John […]
As we close out the year, I want to write something off the beaten path, at least for me. Before I do, let me say I hope you have had a great 2016 and wish you the best in 2017. In my opinion, most people in the United States should never have car payments. There are exceptions […]
I am not one who pines for the “good old days” because I know that the good old days were not really so good. However, there are strengths and weaknesses to every generation and I want to talk about one of our era’s weaknesses: why do we seem to have a dearth of real men today when compared to the […]
Before I get on topic, let me give a brief update on what is going on here and why I am not writing as much these days. Truthfully, I am just incredibly busy right now. I have not announced this previously but I am recording a new album next month. It is a piano-only project again, and […]
I talk to people occasionally that liken their life to that of a hamster on a spinning wheel. I think homemakers in particular struggle with this because of the nature of much of their work: washing clothes, cleaning, and cooking are all jobs that seem endless and sometimes lacking in significance. The politically correct thing for me […]
In 1999, I invested $500 into my first business. Today, that seems like no big deal but at the time, I was very scared even though I was making a very good living in software and did not need the money. My hangup came from life conditioning that I had received in which I had been […]
The idea of “being intentional” is a trendy idea that is floating around out there these days. It is a good idea that is probably a reaction against the tendency of modern culture to be busy but shallow. Here is a quick demonstration. If you ask people how they are, 99% will answer in one […]
Twenty years ago today, I woke up at my parents home and went to eat breakfast. Even though I had just graduated from college, the economy was bad and I had been working a $6.00/hour landscaping job. But after breakfast, I did not go to my landscaping job. Rather, I loaded a car with most […]
Our lives are frittered away by detail. Simplify, simplify. – Henry David Thoreau I am an admirer of Henry David Thoreau, an American writer during the 1800’s. Thoreau was a philosopher who is most famous for his ideas about simplicity. He is known as the guy who went and lived in the woods for a […]