As many of you have noticed, I don’t modulate very much. The main reason I don’t modulate much is because I really don’t find it very necessary or helpful a lot of the time. In general, if there is no compelling reason to do something, I won’t. I should note that when I am talking […]
Tag Archives: modulations
I was talking to someone the other day and she mentioned that the modulation formula she always used was simply to play ii – V – I into the new key. In other words, if moving from F to G, she would finish the song in F and then play Am – D7 – G to get into the new key.
I was working on an illustration in an upcoming class for music school and thought I would share it here as well. It is a representation of a good way to think of modulations using what we call pivot chords.
Someone sent me this question this week:
This one comes from Steve Mauldin.
Here is something I am doing in an arrangement for my upcoming project.
Changing to the key a fifth below the current key is very easy, and can be useful sometimes. If the last chord you play in the old key is a I chord (and I normally will be), simply change it to a dominant chord by adding a minor 7th. This chord will automatically be the […]
I am in the middle of arranging my next CD at the moment and am very busy, so this is going to be short and sweet today. I am going to give you the simplest modulation possible, and believe it or not, I use it all the time. You can sum up the rule in […]
Modulating up a half step is probably one of the most common modulations you will use. It is very common especially when accompanying singers. Fortunately, there is a simple little formula that makes it very easy. Be sure not to start this modulation while any singer or instrument is still in the old key. Once […]
I have gotten many requests to post a lesson on how to modulate between keys. More and more churches are starting to either package songs together or change keys within a song, so modulation is becoming a necessity for church pianists. Modulation can be done in many ways, but today, I want to talk about […]
Many of you have written me emails about modulations and several had a similar theme. Mods are good when upping the intensity such as the upward movement by a half step at the end of a song. I get it and I agree. But…
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