Tag Archives: life lessons

Be wary of chiropractors (and other medical professionals)

A lot of you guys ask about my health and I have not publicly said anything for a few months so here it is: my eye is healing slowly but has a long way to go. My back has done pretty well. I am pretty much pain-free and while a few lingering issues are being stubborn about disappearing, I am thankful for the progress.

If there has been a silver lining to my health saga, it has been that I have learned some very important things. Many of you have already learned those things, but for those that have not, maybe my experiences can help you. I want to talk about the dangers of chiropractic care, especially if you are dealing with bad chiropractors.

What being tardy says about you

Here is an interesting article I read last week. Take a moment and read it too. http://www.entrepreneur.com/video/225437 The author says some things that I believe to be true but he says them far better than me. In a nutshell, he says this: when you are chronically late, you are communicating something and everyone knows exactly […]