A quick editors note up front: I hope you guys will be patient with me when I write about topics outside of music. My strategy here has always been to write about things of interest to me and based on the feedback I get, a lot of you like it when I stray from music. […]
Tag Archives: life lessons
The idea of “being intentional” is a trendy idea that is floating around out there these days. It is a good idea that is probably a reaction against the tendency of modern culture to be busy but shallow. Here is a quick demonstration. If you ask people how they are, 99% will answer in one […]
Twenty years ago today, I woke up at my parents home and went to eat breakfast. Even though I had just graduated from college, the economy was bad and I had been working a $6.00/hour landscaping job. But after breakfast, I did not go to my landscaping job. Rather, I loaded a car with most […]
I was watching an argument a few days ago about a guy who is sort of a religious extremist. His fans and detractors were bickering back and forth about how to deal with him and I kept hearing the “smart” label thrown around. Apparently since he is smart, some think that we all need to […]
Our lives are frittered away by detail. Simplify, simplify. – Henry David Thoreau I am an admirer of Henry David Thoreau, an American writer during the 1800’s. Thoreau was a philosopher who is most famous for his ideas about simplicity. He is known as the guy who went and lived in the woods for a […]
Thirteen years ago, I did something big. I was working for Delta Airlines at the time as a software guy and on my two year anniversary with the company (the first day I could legally quit), I walked away to work full-time on my small business which at the time consisted mainly of big dreams […]
This is a followup to this article I wrote a month or so ago about productivity. For better or worse, we have a central vacuum in our house. From my perspective, it is just a normal vacuum cleaner except that it requires a lot of maintenance and costs a lot of money when it something […]
We all know people that seem unbelievably productive and we know people who just don’t ever seem to get much done at all. Have you ever wondered what the difference is? I don’t have all the answers and I am pretty convinced that there is no one secret formula. Some people are ultra-productive because they […]
I was in a group discussion the other day discussing how men can be better leaders at home. Eventually, the conversation came around to the balance between work and the other responsibilities of life (especially family). One person brought up the fact that men tend to be too obsessed with work. They work too much […]
Of course it is highly illogical to wait until the beginning of a year to start making improvements to the way you live your life. So if you are one of those who thinks New Year’s resolutions are silly, I hear you. But one thing I have learned about life is that what is logically […]
The internet is abuzz with this viral article from Huffington Post about Generation Y.
Not only is it great writing, but there is some real truth there and I
have a feeling it was used in many sermon illustrations this morning
(including my church).