I have always been interested in the topic of beauty. From a musician’s standpoint, beauty is obviously an important issue but it is not just about music. Beauty is all around us in many forms beside the arts. The term that is often associated with the study of beauty is aesthetics and there is (predictably) a lot […]
Tag Archives: life lessons
In 1999, I invested $500 into my first business. Today, that seems like no big deal but at the time, I was very scared even though I was making a very good living in software and did not need the money. My hangup came from life conditioning that I had received in which I had been […]
I enjoy debate and I like interacting with people I disagree with if the dialogue is thoughtful and intelligent. But the sad reality is that most debate that you will experience does not qualify as thoughtful or intelligent. There is little grounding in logic and truth even though the participants themselves may be thoughtful and intelligent. I […]
One of the lessons that I have to understand as a recording artist and concert pianist is this: I can’t play all kinds of music. That is a humbling thing. It is a hard thing to accept. I have struggled with it. In fact, if you listen to the music on my projects, you will […]
Years ago, I read something about investing as a Christian that has stuck with me. There are two general rules that should guide our management of our assets. 1) Our investments should be active. We should not just be sitting on cash or other assets like a miser. 2) Our investments should be working for good. […]
As of this past week, I finished all the big stuff I have been working on for the year. The last three months have been brutal but now I am trying to relax a bit and am thinking about 2015. I want to talk about one of the things I have been thinking about: social […]
I wrote last week about Vitabase moving out of our warehouse and our decision to move out too. A big problem related to that is that we have been sharing employees with Vitabase for some time, and with them moving, we can’t do that anymore. Over the past six months, as I anticipated this coming, I have […]
Many of you know that I sold a company called Vitabase last year. Vitabase was my main focus for the past fifteen years. In fact, we built an office/warehouse for it a few miles from my house. When I sold Vitabase, they originally wanted to stay in the building so I could be around to […]
It is fashionable these days to talk about planning your life. By that, I mean planning how you want it to look and then executing the plan to make it happen. The self-help gurus love to give you the formulas for life planning. So do your local network marketing friends. In theory, there is nothing […]
If you have ever spent much time with any of my courses or classes, you have heard me talk about a concept I call the 4 stages of learning. This is not original to me of course, but here are the 4 stages in order from worst to best. 1) Unconscious incompetence – You don’t […]
In a recent sermon, our pastor was discussing what Christians should do when they are in those periods where they are not sure what God’s master plan is for their lives. That is a good perspective. Doing God’s will is not about mystical feelings and fleeces. More often, it is just about doing the things […]