The problem with discussing your own arrangements is the implied inference that your arrangements are worth discussing in the first place. I am not sure frankly that all of my arrangements are worth discussing, at least in a positive, learning way. I am sort of on the fence on this one to be honest. Sometimes […]
Tag Archives: form
I am a bit backed up on things that I want to discuss here. I am going to discuss last month’s “All Hail the Power” arrangement and I want to discuss Finale. I also want to talk about “Soul Rest” and I suppose I will do that first since it is fresh on my mind. […]
Update: I have been hinting for a while that I am making changes regarding the Online Music School and let me give you a quick update on that. The long and short of it is that I am killing it completely for two reasons. First, I have had a hard time reconciling it with my lifestyle […]
I work with a pianist every few weeks by Skype and am currently working with her on an exercise that I want to share with you. it will give you some insight into at least one way to look at arranging. It is not the only way but is a common way I look at […]
I have a concert coming up this weekend with Nathan Prisk at Grace Baptist Church in Dacula, GA. This is the first time we are doing a full concert together with his new music and that means I need to learn it. I got around to starting on it yesterday.
Looking at “I Am Bound for the Promised Land.”
A tool that gives some great insight.
This is how I approach this kind of music.
Insight into how recording occurs in Nashville.
Has anyone ever given you a CD or MP3 with a song and told you they need you to play it for them on Sunday? Here is how to handle that.