A little Christmas in July.
Tag Archives: chord substitutions
Of course, there is no really simple answer.
More thoughts about the harmony I used in this song.
No song on Portraits of Hope is more controversial than “Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us.” I am hardly surprised. Even though the song is very laid back and quiet, it utilizes harmony that is a bit unique. While it is hardly cutting edge, that harmony is certainly not commonly found in conservative church music. Some of the comments […]
Here is a handy chord substitution for you.
So you know you have to add 7ths and you know which 7th to add to each chord. Now, here are a few easy ways to make that happen.
Wonder which 7ths belong in which chord? Here is a easy way to remember.
Ways to increase the number of chords at your disposal.
There are more than three options for chords that will work with a given melody note. Actually, the number is closer to fifty or so.
Here are some examples on how to do this very handy strategy.
Here is a quick tip for creating progressions that sound smooth.