I said I would circle back to this arrangement and talk about a few things so let me do that today. I have talked about many of these things before; in fact, this arrangement is just about as solidly in my preferred wheelhouse as anything I write. Let’s start with the introduction and in particular, […]
Tag Archives: arrangement analysis
The problem with discussing your own arrangements is the implied inference that your arrangements are worth discussing in the first place. I am not sure frankly that all of my arrangements are worth discussing, at least in a positive, learning way. I am sort of on the fence on this one to be honest. Sometimes […]
I started arranging when I was in high school. My arrangements were horrific stuff, far below the bar that many of my young readers set today. (By the way, those that bemoan the sad state of today’s music education are clearly not seeing what I see. Today’s young generation is far ahead of where my […]
I have a few teaching moments from the arrangement that I published last week. We have already discussed the overall feel of the piece. When you hear this song typically, it is grand and a bit ponderous. I took a sort of wistful approach but it works with the lyrics just as well I think. […]
Thanks for all the kind comments on my MasterBuilder video. I transcribed what I played over the weekend and you can now purchase the sheet music with the performance track on my sheet music page. Assuming you learn the sheet music, your performance should sound pretty much the same as the one on the video. […]
I work with a pianist every few weeks by Skype and am currently working with her on an exercise that I want to share with you. it will give you some insight into at least one way to look at arranging. It is not the only way but is a common way I look at […]
Today, I want to get into the voice leading in this arrangement of Hiding in Thee. To do that, we are going to examine just 6 bars of the song.
A week or so ago, I put out a new free arrangement on the hymn “Hiding in Thee.” Today, let’s talk about it. There is something going on there that is a bit unique (at least for me). Two quick terms that you learn as you study the history of music are polyphony and homophony. […]
My thoughts on what I like about this arrangement from Tiffany Jefferson and what she can do to improve it a bit.
Arrangement Submission Tiffany Jefferson sent me this one. Please give constructive criticism and help her out. I like what she has done here a lot but am going to hold back on what I have to say until many of you speak up. Feel free to give feedback on the arrangement itself or her performance […]
Here is the simple truth behind this arrangement.