Video: “Shall We Gather at the River” reharmonization example

A week ago, I posted this discussion of how I would go about reharmonizing “Shall We Gather at the River”:

Here is a video demonstrating the concept.  If you can’t see it below, click here:


Sorry for the long time since posting videos.  It is actually a lot of work to set up to record them and my wife is not fond of me setting up all the equipment in the living room anyway. So, this past weekend, I moved everything to an empty office at Vitabase and have set up a semi-permanent studio there.  That will allow me to shoot videos quickly without having to do setup, which should be all the incentive I need to produce a lot more of them.

By the way, people ask me what equipment I use to record videos.  I am no expert, but here is what works for me:

2 large soft light boxes
Canon HF200 camera
Beachtek DXA-2T (this is an interface that greatly improves the quality of the sound going into the camera)
4 channel mixer (I use Alexis MultiMix but any will do)
Shure Lavalier SM93
If recording piano, a couple of ADK A-51 microphones.
If recording keyboard, I just run from an output from my Yamaha Motif directly into the mixer.
I edit with Sony Vegas Movie Studio which I highly recommend.  It is inexpensive, easy to learn and does the job.