Reharmonization: Away in a Manger

Today was the final day of the first semester of Music School. We start again in January. One student named Beth sent in something this week that I really liked and I did a video about it.

Beth is an adult student (about half of the students in Music School are adults). When she started my Beginning Functional Harmony class, she knew how to read music but did not know how to reharmonize. In fact, she told me she did not even know how to identify existing chords.

After sixteen weeks of hard work, here a final project she did. I tweaked it a bit and added some simple texture but it is her harmony.

Away in a Manger

You can take this and make an arrangement out of it. Just find an intro and ending and you will be all set. Someone will probably point out that there are parallel fifths but I already know that and it doesn’t matter to me.

Here is a video of me playing it. If you don’t see the video below, click here.